Hello Readers, In this article, I will show you the easiest way to check your National Common Entrance Examination Result using the NCEE official portal @ www.ncee.neco.gov.ng. For candidates seeking admission into Unity College for the 2024/2025 academic session, follow the procedure below to check your Admission Status / Result.
This is to inform those that participated in the previous Nation Common Entrance Examination that they can now check their result online. Meanwhile, you don’t need to buy a token in order to check your federal ncee result.
There are two ways in which you can check your result;
- Via NCEE website
- On Neco Portal
How to Check your NCEE result on NECO Portal
To check your Unity College Exam result on Neco portal follow the steps below;
- Go to NECO results portal at https://results.neco.gov.ng/
- Select exam year i.e. 2024.
- Select exam type i.e. National Common Entrance Examination.
- Supply your registration number in the required column.
- Finally, click on the Check Admission Status button.
If you are seeing “Admission Pending” keep checking you will definitely be admitted.
How To Check Result 2024/2025 on NCEE Website
To access your NCEE Result follow the procedure below;
- Visit the Unity schools admission portal at https://ncee.neco.gov.ng/
- Log in to your account with E-mail/Phone number and password
- Click on result on the menu on the left-hand sidebar
- View your NCEE result.
After you have checked the result, you will see any of the following comments:
- Qualified for Selection under National Merit
- Qualified for selection under state quota
- Not qualified for selection
What does qualified for selection under National merit mean: This means you’ve meet up with the merit list under the national selection and your admission is certain.
What does Qualified for Selection under state quote mean: It means you are qualified for admission under state level.
What does not Qualified for selection mean: This means you are not qualified for admission.
How can I check my daughter 2022 ncee result
The checking of result here is not opening how will I check again here
This 2022 result portal is not opening. I can’t even see where to enter my son’s registration number. Any workable portal?
What’s your son’s registration number? Let me help you
Please I have been checking out for my sons result since yesterday but keeps showing candidate list empty please help me
Please, when should we be expecting the NCCE result
Am seeing records not found,what does that mean for prisca nnenne nkereuwem
Good day, please when is ncee result of 2022 coming out
Good day,please is admissions list out?
Please I want to know the time the common entrance exam is coming out
Please when is the common entrance exam for 2022 coming out
Can I check ncee result here
I want to check common entrance results
Gud eve ma pls help me to check my son result becos it showing not admitted, his reg number is 407717BJ
Can I check Ncee results here
Please help me to check my daughter Exam score, the result is showing Not Admitted his Reg. number is 456232HB 2021 ETUKUFORT GOODLUCK MFONISO thank you.
Please kindly assist me to know my daughter’s score in 2021 National Common Entrance Examination. I could only see not admitted without score. Her name: OLORUNDARE TITILOPE JOAN.
Please help me to check my son Exam score, the result is showing Not Admitted his Reg. number is 441157JE 2021 APANPA AYOMIDE FAWAZ thank you.
Pls is there any thing like supplementary list? My daughter scored 163 and no addimission yet. Any hope for her?
Please share the link to check common entrance examination result so that e can all check
Please l checked my son result is showing not admitted without score please help me check it 423805GB 2021 Samuel Jeffrey Chidera
Please help me to check my son results with this examination number:OG-CE-338182
O level
Having gone through the several comments of parents and guardians here I have no doubt that it was a serious system error on the website of the federal ministry of education. Before the result finally came out in August, I kept checking the results of some students it was showing result not found.
I decided to check fmeposting.com.ng and discovered 3 of them were admitted to the same school while the others were showing admission pending.
2 days later I decided to check again and the website could not open but rather it was showing website under maintenance.
By the time the website became accessible I discovered that 2 among the 3 admitted scored less than 60 marks while some others that scored above 150 mark was showing not admitted.
I will need NECO AND THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION to truthfully clear the air on this abnormality or otherwise Children who are duely qualified may end up not being admitted.
I didn’t see any comment but saw this result is provisional, what does it mean pls. Thanks
Pls what of the admission letter, how n where can it be collected. Thanks
Pls help me check my daughter’s result with registration no 446683AG EXAM YR 2021, NAME EGBULE BETHEL CHIZUBERE. N D COMMENT THAT FOLLOWED. THANKS
Please help me check my son’s result, is only showing not admitted. Reg. 439036FF
I appreciate. But how do I print the result slip.
Pls help me with my son’s score. I saw not admitted with out a score. Thank you. His Registration no is 447926GA
Pls how do I know the registration number
thank you
211776318CA please check my results for me
My child own is 6 digit how do you get the 8
Pls help me check my son’s result. It’s 463602HH.Thanx
Score 93
Pls my child’s admission status is showing not admitted. What about the result? Pls help. Exam no: 450421EE
Please, help my daughter’s result .Registration Number 4065651A.Centre Number 09006.Centre Name College of Education Warri
I checked the result of my son and I saw grade point which is a total of 31. I need to know the actual score please and not grading points. His number is 411048BH. This boy was among those that were not given answer script and was asked to answer back on his question paper which I doubt if the question paper was marked or transferred atall or correctly as they promised at the center. Junior secondary school Lugbe, Abuja.
Please help me check my son’s result. His number is 449407HJ
Nna Luella Maxwell Akachukwu
Please am in able to see my ward result but under admission status I can see not admitted please help I need to check her result her no. Is 421983JF
Ifeoma Zenith
I checked my son result it shows not admitted without score,Please I want to know his score biko
Please check for me. Reg number is 401346CD
How do I check my wards acore
Please help me check my daughter’s result. 407087GG
Score 134
I checked my daughter result and I saw admitted to federal girls kabba. I just wanted do the print out now and I saw not admitted again. What is going on pls.
I want to check my son’s ncee result
I want to check my daughter ncee result
Checking my daughter common entrance results for 2021
I checked my daughter’s results, she scored 175 and admission status shows NOT ADMITTED. What does this mean?
Same thing with me my son scored 177 with not admitted status.am seriously confused
Pls help me check the result of my ward 452847EB
I checked my result and it shows not admitted without the scores.please I want to see my scores.
Càndidates want to see their scores. It will reveal their area of strength and weakness
This result is provisional.
Please what does this implies?
my son’s result shows ”this result if provisional”.
Please i want to know what that means.
I want to see my son’s scores please,405547DA
I checked my son’s result on 22nd August and it shows addmited into Ugwolawo, but I checked it today and it is showing not addmited what does that mean.
Go to the school and confirm
Please help me send the full result and the score,Exam No. 416116EC
the score is 128
I made it at last ,wow I thought I Will not make it ,to God be the glory.
My daughter’s own is showing not admitted without the score ,me I need to see the score biko
Pls my son got 146,and it was pending but now not admitted do I still hope for admission
Hw did you check your ward result
My ward result showed cumulative of 133, but reporting “provisional”
Good evening everybody
Please how do I know if my candidate was selected or not.
It did not show whether selected or not.
Please where can I find the admission status?
For those of us that don’t have the exam number, how do we check the result?
My son scored 159 and it’s showing not admitted, I don’t think Neco knows what they are doing or maybe there system have issues.
Hw do I check my result can any one help
How did you see the score
My daughter got 164
Pls how did you check the score
I can’t see any status on my son’s result slip. The slip just carries the marks he obtained from all the subject. Kindly help
My ward is NOT ADMITTED AND he score 149, please sir why is it so, does it mean he can’t be admitted with that score
The same here. She scored 180 with Queens college lagos as her first choice but the status reads not admitted.
Maybe we will go to the school nah
Go to the school he will surely have admission
How do I check the results
Pls sir I bought a token ,and I can’t still access my kids results,I don’t know what to do
Forward your child Registration Number I will check it for you
Pls I checked my daughter result,no scores I only saw not admitted.pls what does that imply ? and how do I see her scores.thankyou
my resut is showing record not found
My son’s result showed not admitted outrightly without showing his mark or score
So worried too
What is shown upon checking is candidates record not found in 2021 examination. Result not found can this imply please.
My son’s result shows NOT ADMITTED. What does that mean. Because it is not among the three words options listed
Me too not admitted
mine too
What is the meaning of not admitted.
Me too not admitted with no scores
My daughter’s admission pending.
Just checked my son’s results show’s admission pending
Why is the result pending?
Pls my son got 146 and is admission pending; from pending it start showing not admitted,pls do we still have hope ? Even another state
Just checked and is showing admission Pending. What does that mean pls
It means that he /she will be in the supplementary list ie 2nd batch
Just checked my son’s own and it says pending. What does it mean?
Just checked my daughter’s result, Olivier
Divine Favour, exam no. 436937EH ,and her result is pending. What does that mean. Kindly advise
My daughter’s page reads; admission pending. Please what does that mean.
Good evening sir/ma, please I just checked my son’s result and it shows admission pending,what is the next step please? Examination number is 471528GE. Thanks in anticipation.
Keep checking
admission pending means what?
I have checked and it’s says RESULT NOT FOUND but have seen the result posting she has been admitted but just need to see the results
Please which school am still seeing admission pending
Go to result. neco.gov.ng, you will see your score
Admission pending what does it mean?
Thanks for your response but is there any hope for approval so that i will start thinking fast on any alternative. Sorry for bordering you.
Yes, Keep checking there is hope for approval.
Good evening Sir/Madam, I have checked my daughter’s result with Exam No 417444DF and was shown that her result is pending. Please kindly advise me.
I checked I noticed admission pending. What does it mean? What next
is my result out yet
I just checked my daughter’s own
Thanks for the update
So who knows it will come out
no one
Showing result not out
Please when will 2021 ncee result be released, thanks.
I hink it is out according to google
I tried google but couldn’t fine it
My neighbour just got his. But I have not
Search engine cannot find my result,what next?
You get a blank page when you click on the highlighted link. I’ve tried that severally and keeps giving the same thing. Is the result really out?
its true
Is my result out
My result is showing not found
Why is mine showing Not Found