Hello Folks, In this article, I will share the latest WAEC Mathematics Syllabus. Note that the syllabus uploaded on the platform is up-to-date i.e. the updated version. The West African Examination Council created this syllabus for candidates planning to write the senior secondary school examination, be it the private examination (first and second series) or the school examination.
The Waec Mathematics Syllabus is a document that outlines everything that will be covered in the examination or class. As a student, Go through the topics and look for a different textbook to read and practice. Also, test your ability or how prepared you are using the online Waec mathematics past question and answer.
How to use WAEC Mathematics Syllabus 2024/2025
- Download the PDF version of the syllabus
- Look for different Mathematics textbook
- Search for the topic in the textbook. Read, meditate, and assimilate what you’ve read
- Also, Look for the WAEC Mathematics Series (Past Question) and treat it to know how well you’ve prepared.
WAEC Mathematics Syllabus 2024/2025
AIMS OF THE SYLLABUS: The syllabus aims to test candidates’:
- Mathematical competency and computational skills;
- Understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
- Ability to translate problems into mathematical language and solve them using appropriate methods;
- Ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problem at hand;
- Logical, abstract, and precise thinking.
This syllabus is not intended to be used as a teaching syllabus. Teachers are advised to use their own National teaching syllabuses or curricula for that purpose.
EXAMINATION SCHEME: There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken.
- PAPER 1: will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions, drawn from the common areas of the syllabus, to be answered in 1½ hours for 50 marks.
- PAPER 2: will consist of thirteen essay questions in two sections – Sections A and B, to be answered in 2½ hours for 100 marks. Candidates will be required to answer ten questions in all.
- Section A – Will consist of five compulsory questions, elementary in nature carrying a total of 40 marks. The questions will be drawn from the common areas of the syllabus.
- Section B – will consist of eight questions of greater length and difficulty. The questions shall include a maximum of two which shall be drawn from parts of the syllabuses which may not be peculiar to candidates’ home countries. Candidates will be expected to answer five questions for 60marks.
Yes i want to join the discussion
Yetunde Tella says
Is there any Maths online class on neesedung.com?
Yetunde Tella says
Pls I’ll like the WAEC syllabus for year 2023. (Humanities department).
Taiwo says
Thank you so much, I need more syllables
Joseph says
How much
Mariam says
Thanks so much.
Aigbedion Samuel says
It was helpful
Oyin says
Oh my !
Daniel Kaanti says
Am i interested
Festus zaforyi says
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frenemy says
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Gambo Ritse Susan says
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Festus zaforyi says
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George says
Mathematics course outline
Sulaimon abdulwarith akorede says
i neee f. Math syllabus GCE.
Hassan says
Me too
Ybee says
Leati says
I need the syllabus for mathematics not this
Smart Medin says
Semiloore says
Thanks so much
Henry says
Thank you for this
luciana says
please I need practicals questions on physics, biology and chemistry
ThankGod says
Me to I eed it
Abdul Azeez Olakunle Shittu says
The scheme was helpful.Thanks i really appreciate it.
Afeezco opeyemi Salami says
Abdul Azeez olakunle shittu
Abdul Azeez Olakunle Shittu says
Hello everyone
Am new hear am i welcomed
Chinonso okoro egwu says
Please I need the timetable
Daniel Smith says
Please 🙏 I need government, health science, literature in English, English language, Agriculture,C.R.S, Mathematics and history pass questions and answers.
David says
Nice 👍
Jagun Dorcas says
Pls guys I need WAEC syllabus for literature in English and English language
Benjamin daniel says
Pls guyz help me with the waec syllable for computer science
Samuel says
James blessing says
Please I need the time table
David says
Available here
Jane says
Please I need government syllabus for waec
Uzoma Alex says
I need gce syllabus
Jane says
Please I need waec syllabus for government
olivia aduloju says
thank you
Ubi Desmond says
How fa
Bona kwaghgba says
Thanks the update is helpful
Isoma stephanie says
Was it
faith says
the syllabus is really helpful thanks you are a live saver
Hikmot says
Thank you